کرک نرم افزار VISUM

نرم افزار ترافیکی visum 2023

نرم افزار ترافیکی visum یك نرم افزار خردنگر برای تحلیل و مدلسازی شبكه معابر، تقاطعات، سیستمهای حمل و نقل عمومی، مدیریت پارك و غیره است، كه با داشتن قابلیتها و دقت برنامه ریزی بالاتر نسبت به نرم افزارهای مشابه؛ قادر به ارائه مشخصات و شاخصهای عملكردی راه می باشد.این نرم افزار می تواند نتایج شبیه سازی را بصورت گرافیكی نمایش دهد.

نرم افزار ترافیکی visum یك نرم افزار كلان نگر است كه با داشتن مطالعات مبدا- مقصد یك شهر می تواند مدلهای سفر را كه شامل تولید، توزیع، تفكیك و تخصیص می باشد را محاسبه و بر روی شبكه بارگذاری نماید. ازآنجاكه این مدل نیازمند اطلاعات جامع بوده لذا برای شبكه های كوچك قابل اجرا نیست و این نرم افزار برای مدلهای كلان شهری مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد.

نرم افزار فوق ورژن 2023 میباشد که در زمان نوشتن متن این ورژن موجود بود و در صورت در دسترس بودن ورژن جدید قابلیت ارائه ورژن جدید میباشد

در صورت در دسترس بودن ورژن های جدید امکان ارائه ورژن جدید میباشد

What does PTV Visum have to offer?

    • Traffic data in one place As a transport planner, you will have all the traffic information in one software that gives you a holistic overview of the traffic situation status quo. PTV Visum can also be used for forecasts and to measure effects of development planning.
    • Equipped with traditional and advanced demand model PTV Visum offers all the functionalities you would expect from a traffic planning software such as the traditional four-step travel demand model. Aside from the standard method, the software also offers unique advanced methods such as the tour-based demand model without having to use a separate traffic planning software.
    • Flexible and extensible We understand that models and software need to be shared among planners and extended parties, so it is important for us to impose standards. PTV Visum supports this standardisation by being GIS-based and having a built-in data model. The traffic planning software can also be extended through scripting and user-defined data layers and attributes.
    • Next-level traffic planning No task is too small or too large for PTV Visum. It plans everything from highway operations to public transport involving many stages and phases, providing all the information you need in one traffic planning software.
    • Creating solid plans that work With PTV Visum, it is possible to assess different strategies and multiple “what-if” scenarios for different modes of transport such as private, public, shared and even autonomous. The traffic planning software supports your decisions and plans according to your targets while delivering reliable results and at the same time, minimising your stakeholders’ investment risks.
    • Multi-layer simulation Streamline your approach with a fully integrated simulation with multi-resolution modelling. PTV Visum is the complete tool for macroscopic simulation, and PTV Vissim is the complete tool for microscopic. Mesoscopic is available in both software with the same methodology which acts as a bridge between the layers.
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